2024 – 2026

Online Programmes Delivery Department (OPDD)

Programme Manager: Mrs. Colleen Robinson-Hunte

Email: [email protected]

Students who enrolled as of Academic Year 2024/2025 must follow the prescribed course of study and sequence given for their programme.

Students are required to successfully complete all courses in Year 1 before they can proceed to undertake courses in Year 2. Please continue to follow the prescribed course of study given.

Your course load is 5 courses in Semester 1 and 5 courses in Semester 2

Orientation is the first step to achieving academic and personal success at the UWI Global Campus. It supports you by assisting with your transition to the online environment. It will equip you with the needed navigational skills to function successfully online and provide pertinent information about the available services, go – to persons and responsibilities as an online student.

It is imperative that you attend the online sessions offered by the Online Programme

Delivery Department (PDD) as well as the session offered at your local Site Office.

The ASc in Social Work operates under a semester system.

  • Semester 1 and 2 each, have thirteen (13) weeks of instruction plus the assessment period.
  • Summer session has seven (7) weeks of instruction plus the assessment period.

Duration of the programme: Students must complete the programme in a maximum of 9 semesters or three years.

The ASc in Social Work is designed to provide training for social work assistants to prepare them for work in agencies and communities and to provide appropriate support to social workers within the Caribbean context. Students build competencies in functional areas. The Programme is delivered in hybrid mode which is face to face and online.

The ASc in Social Work Programme has 60 credits. Students may use this programme to ladder into a Bachelor’s degree (BSc). Students explore general education and core courses in a number of areas including:

  • Statistics
  • Principles and Practice of Social Work
  • Ethics for the Human Services
  • Caribbean Social Policy & Social Services
  • Introduction to Social Research
  • Theory & Practice of Social Work

Remember to check the Programme Advising document before the start of registration and during the semester for any updates or additional information.

  • Assessment Methods: The work of students will be assessed and evaluated on a continuous basis through assignments, class-work and tests. Assessment requirements are noted in the course outline of each course with clear guidelines, due dates and the weighting for each assessment task.
  • Prerequisites for Matriculation into the Associate Degree programme:
  • Mathematics Requirements: Minimum Mathematics requirement is a pass at CSEC or the equivalent. Candidates who do not meet this requirement must successfully complete an approved semester long remedial Mathematics course (MATH 0900) which is offered in Semesters I, II and Summer.
  • English Language Requirements: The English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) is used to assess whether applicants to the ASc possess a satisfactory level of writing and reading proficiency in English for university academic purposes. ELPT or equivalent is a prerequisite for FOUN1001: English for Academic Purposes.
  • Technology Requirement: Students will need to have access to a computer with Internet access.
  • Leave of Absence (LOA): If you are unable to take a course, you need to inform your Pre-U tutor or Pre -U Coordinator.
  • Plagiarism: Is a form of cheating, and is a very serious offence. Please refer to your Student Handbooks.

The ASc Social Work Programme Prerequisites for Matriculation 
Year 1: Semester 1 (2024/2025)
MGMT1000Intro. to Computers 1Continuous Assessment: 100%, No Final Examination
FOUN1101Caribbean Civilization1Continuous Assessment: 100%, No Final Examination
SOWK 1020Fund. Principles and Practices of Social Work I1Continuous Assessment: 100%, No Final Examination
SOCI1002Introduction to Sociology1Continuous Assessment: 100%, No Final Examination
SPAN0900Introductory Spanish1Continuous Assessment: 100%, No Final Examination
Year 1: Semester 2 (2024/2025)
FOUN1001English for Academic Purposes2Continuous Assessment: 100%, No Final Examination
SOWK 0901Principles and Practices of Social Work II2SOWK 1020 Continuous Ass: 100%, No Final Exam.
SOWK 0902Human Growth and Development2Continuous Assessment: 100%, No Final Examination
SOWK 0903Und. Human Behaviour & the Environment2Continuous Assessment: 100%, No Final Examination
SOCI 1001Introduction to Social Research2Continuous Assessment: 100%, No Final Examination
 Year 1: Summer (2024/2025)
FOUN 1101Caribbean CivilizationSummerContinuous Assessment: 100%, No Final Examination
MATH 0900Remedial MathematicsSummerContinuous Assessment: 100%, No Final Examination.
 Year 2: Semester 1 (2025/2026)
GOVT 1900Intro. to Administrative Principles & Practices1Continuous Assessment: 100%, No Final Examination
GOVT 1902Caribbean Political Economy1Continuous 100%, No Final Examination
SOCI 1005Introductory Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences1Continuous Assessment: 100%, No Final Examination
SOWK 1001Introduction to Social Work1SOWK 1020 and SOWK 0901
SOWK 0905Introduction to Caribbean Social Policy and Social Services1Continuous 100%, No Final Examination
Year 2: Semester 2 (2025/2026)
PSYC 1001Introduction to Psychology2Continuous 100%, No Final Examination
PHIL 1902Ethics for the Human Services2Continuous 100%, No Final Examination
SOWK 1003Theory and Practice of Social Work2SOWK 1001 Continuous 100%, No Final Examination
SOWK 1900Social Work Practicum I2Continuous Assessment: 100%, No Final Examination
SOWK 3041Social Work, Laws and Policies within the Caribbean2Continuous Assessment: 100%, No Final Examination.


FINAL YEAR STUDENTS ONLY Students in the final year must complete all Year 1 and Year 2 courses Level 1 courses (15 courses = 45 credits) before undertaking the practicum.


Students who do not have a pass in CSEC Math (up to Grade III) are required to do this course in order to proceed to SOCI 1005 in Semester I 2025/2026.

FOUN1101 (Summer):

This is only for students who did ACR0003

Communication and use of English inSemester 1