Continuous assessment and assignments at PREU POLYTECH and the Global Campus UWI is central to our institution’s pedagogical approach, emphasizing consistent student engagement and holistic evaluation. Unlike traditional models that rely heavily on final exams, we integrate continuous assessment throughout the academic term.

This approach includes a variety of assignments, quizzes, projects, and practical tasks designed to evaluate students’ understanding and application of course material in real-time.

By distributing assessments over the duration of the course, students are encouraged to maintain steady progress and actively participate in their learning journey.

This method also allows instructors to identify and address knowledge gaps promptly, providing timely feedback and support. Assignments are crafted to challenge students’ critical thinking, problem-solving, and technical skills, often reflecting real-world scenarios and industry standards.

The continuous assessment model not only alleviates the pressure of high-stakes testing but also promotes a deeper, more sustained engagement with the subject matter.

At PREU POLYTECH this approach aligns with the institution’s commitment to producing well-rounded, industry-ready graduates who are adept at both theoretical knowledge and practical application.





  1. IIA/SBA/LAB grades must be submitted on time as per teachers’ instructions.
  •  All final IA/SBA/LAB must be submitted for grading by the set deadline.
  •  All final submission of IA/SBA/LAB HARD copy to the main office must have a completed Pre-University School exam cover sheet label (this is mandatory).
  • Non-submission of IA/SBA/LABS will result in an ungraded (fail) for that subject.
  • Students must receive and retain a signed receipt from your subject teacher/office personnel for all final IA/SBA/LAB submitted.
  • Final IA/SBA/LAB grades will be posted to class emails or obtained from the individual teachers.

Students who do not submit the required drafts for vetting by their subject teachers by the stipulated deadlines will have the final submitted draft graded and that grade will be the grade submitted to the Oversea Examination Commission.

All assignments, reports, Internal Assignments IA, School Based Assessments SBA’s etc. are required to submit these documents through the TURNITIN platform.  The platform also has a feature called DRAFT COACH which will guide and assist you in the completion of your assignments to prevent the act of plagiarism.


The Pre-University School will now use the TURN IT IN Program to monitor students who are plagiarizing and using AI to complete their assignments and CXC Internal Assessment. The program will also guide you in the completion of your assignments to prevent the act of plagiarism.

Cheating is defined as fraud, deceit, or dishonesty in an academic assignment or examination, or using or attempting to use materials, or assisting others in using materials, that are prohibited or inappropriate in the context of the academic assignment or examination in question.


  • Copying or attempting to copy from others during an exam or on an assignment.
  • Communicating answers with another person during an exam.
  • Pre-programming a calculator or other personal electronic device to contain answers or using other unauthorized information for exams.
  • Using unauthorized materials, prepared answers, written notes, or concealed information during an exam.
  • Allowing others to do an assignment or a portion of an assignment for you.
  • Taking an exam for another person or having someone take an exam for you.
  • Altering a previously graded exam or assignment for the purpose of a grade appeal or of gaining points in a re-grading process.
  • Submitting an electronic file, the student knows to be unreadable or corrupted instead of a completed assignment. The student then has extra time to finish the assignment without penalty.
  • Copying and pasting articles or segments of articles attributed to others from the internet.
  • Plagiarizing the written or quoted works of others.


Plagiarism is defined as the use of intellectual material produced by another person without acknowledging its source.


  • Copying passages from works of others into one’s homework, essay, term paper, or dissertation, without acknowledgement.
  • Use of the views, opinions, or insights of another, without acknowledgement.
  • Paraphrasing another person’s characteristic or original phraseology, metaphor, or other rhetorical device, without acknowledgement.

A common form of plagiarism is copying and pasting papers or articles from the internet, or simply purchasing prewritten papers from online. This sort of plagiarism is increasingly easy to detect.

The development of AI technology like ChatGPT has led to some students attempting to submit AI-generated essays instead of their own work. While this might not be plagiarism in the truest sense of the word this certainly dishonest because it does not represent the students’ efforts.

Cheating is a serious offence and will attract a zero-tolerance stance from the institution and reported actions of cheating will be dealt with after an investigation is conducted.

Please note that the TURNITIN platform also has AI detection as well.


Students who are found in breach of the rules and are found to have cheated or plagiarized in their assignments, exams or submitted educational material for grading will be awarded a grade of zero. The offence will also become a part of your permanent record.

Students will not be allowed to resubmit the assignment or educational material for grading or be allowed to re-sit the exam in question.

A meeting will be held with the Principal and Dean of Students and Discipline to determine what further actions are warranted.


Internal examinations are done monthly. End of semester exams are done in December and mock exams are done before easter break.

All internal examinations and monthly tests are done under strict examination protocols.

  1. Students must be seated at least 15 minutes before examination time.
  2. All required examination equipment (pens, pencils, calculators etc.) must be carried into the examination room in a clear see-through bag.
  3. All bags, laptops, iPads must be left at the back of the room.
  4. All cell phones must be turned off and left in book bags.
  5. Students will not be admitted to the examination room after the first half hour.
  6. The appointed invigilator/subject tutor is responsible for enforcing the rules of the examination.
  7. There should be no talking or communicating during the examination.
  8. Students are not allowed to leave the examination room without permission from the invigilator/subject tutor.
  9. Students can appeal examination results with the teacher and the Dean of Students or Principal/Executive Director.

Students who miss their required monthly exam will be awarded a grade of Zero and this will be reflected on your permanent records and applied to your report card and final transcript.